
Conflicten oplossen in OneDrive
Vereisten Conflict met 1 of meer documenten in OneDrive voor business Stappen Bij een conflict zie u een rood kruisje bij het OneDr...
Mon, 2 May, 2022 8:23
How to share a personal onedrive map or file
Prerequisites Working Azure account with Onedrive and E-mail access (most likely no problem)  working Internet connection Names of people within y...
Wed, 10 Nov, 2021 12:32
Duplicate files in OneDrive
How to fix duplicate files with your computer name added If a file is duplicated in your OneDrive with your computer name added to the filename, it could ...
Tue, 19 Apr, 2022 9:53
The tag present in the reparse point buffer is invalid
in het reparsepuntbuffer aanwezige label is ongeldig Some Windows users are encountering the “tag present in the reparse point buffer is invalid” erro...
Tue, 14 Jun, 2022 11:04
Secure File Upload
Secure File Upload SCOOPE:  This allows you to set up a method for someone from outside the organization to upload files to your OneDrive. However, t...
Fri, 18 Aug, 2023 15:45